Invasion Getting Out of Hand: Russian ICBMs Move Out From Russian Bases

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Russian ICBMs are on the move from Russian bases, possibly in response to NATO on Friday announcing a larger mobilization that will concentrate troops in nearby Baltic and Eastern European states. They refer to the mobilization of the NATO Response Force.

You need to realize that Russia presents a brave face to the world as militarily strong and all that fuzz, but the reality is a bit different, I’m afraid.

  • For example, the invasion of Russia into the Ukraine uses one third of the total military of Russia.
  • But while invading, Russia is also to start to threaten other countries, like Finland and Sweden, only because they are seeking protection under the NATO shield against Russia. For President Putin this is a crime, so his threat.
  • Strategically, Russia relies on its military as long as it can win, but when it can’t … it threatens with the use of nuclear weapons.

The first use of nuclear weapons, the so-called doom weapons, weapons of mass destruction, yalla, yalla, is already known for years. But what not many know about the use of nuclear weapons is that it can be used in a way, that it doesn’t release radioactive radiation. Those are the nuclear smallest weapons (low-yield nukes). They will use that in a battlefield scenario when being overwhelmed. The Russians have loads of them, while the NATO didn’t invest in this type of nuclear weapons.

Although the American’s upgraded their nuclear gravity bomb. The upgraded version can carry low-yield nukes to 50 kilotons nuclear bombs, guided by an advanced Boeing tail kit.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II and McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, have been conducting mock nuclear attacks with inert B61-12 over the past two years.
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II and McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, have been conducting mock nuclear attacks with inert B61-12 over the past two years.

In the meantime, Ukraine and Russia are reportedly in discussions over a time and place for cease-fire and peace talks. That doesn’t go so well at the moment, because the Russian military is attacking Kyiv?

Russian advance on Kyiv
Russian advance on Kyiv

Some NATO countries are already pouring weapons into the Ukraine to be used against the Russians.

Furthermore, President Zelensky warned his citizens that the coming night, Kyiv will be under fierce attack and urged the civilians to resist the enemy.

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