We Are All fascists … Except When You’re Left

Liz Truss, Britain’s new prime minister, is a fascist. Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s newly elected prime minister, is too. All Republicans in Congress are fascists, President Donald Trump is too. Every one of the tens of thousands of “MAGA Republicans” who attend Trump rallies, too. All Trump votes are fascists too.

And before I forget, if you agree with this article, you’re a fascist too! Even when you only partly agree with this, you’re still a fascist. And a very big one too, at the very least one like Hitler or Stalin (who was a communist, but hé, who’s counting)! WordPress might ban you, together with this site! ‘You’re so being warned’.

Truss is a fascist because she wants to cut taxes. Meloni is a fascist, and getting banned from several social media platforms, because she gave a rousing speech endorsing God, family and country. What a dangerous tyrant they are, not? Republicans in Congress are fascists because they support work for the welfare of the American people and are trying to block the Green New Deal. Anyone asking too critical questions about the global warming is a fascist too.

Biden calls all his political adversaries semi-fascists.

I’ve two questions for you. Do you know what a fascist really is? The second question is, do you think that those people calling everyone (except themselves) fascists, know what a fascist is? Or do you think it’s a joke (this is not a question, but me being rhetoric).

If you check out the internet, you’ll be amazed what you find there when you check out fascism (people who are fascists belong to fascism, not)?:

According to Wikipedia:

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests in the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy (source).

According to Merriam-Webster:

Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts the nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (source).

According to Britannica:

Fascism, a political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and Eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in Western Europe, … (source).

According Dictionary.com:

A person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
A member of a fascist movement or party.
A person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
Funny thing is, that Dictionary.com and Wikipedia are claiming that fascism belongs / is associated / belongs to the far/extreme right (-wing) views.
And the very funny things of all of this is that Dictionary.com and Wikipedia had their definitions of what fascism (Dictionary.com gave the definition of a fascist above) changed not so long time ago and added the ‘right-wing views’ and the word ‘far-right’ to their definition.
But does fascism belong to the right (-wing)? And before anything else, fascism is an ideology, a philosophy. I hope that everyone can agree with that.
Let’s answer this and also compare it with others:
  • The name of the philosopher of capitalism is Adam Smith, Scottish economist and philosopher.
  • The name of the philosopher of Marxism is Karl Marx, German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, critic of political economy, and socialist revolutionary.
  • The name of the philosopher of fascism is Giovanni Gentile, Italian neo-Hegelian idealist philosopher, educator, and fascist politician (read more).

Like Giovanni Gentile’s philosophical mentor, Karl Marx, he wanted to create a community that resembles the family, a community where we are “all in this together.” He also helped to justify the totalitarian dimension of fascism. It’s easy to see the attraction of this idea. Indeed, it remains a common rhetorical theme of the left.

So, those people who think (or rather say) that fascism is a right-wing ‘thing’ are uninformed, ignorant or … left. The actual fact is that it’s opposite. Fascism belongs to the left-wing ideology.

A time ago I started to notice something.

When I look at the Biden government with his Democrat-politicians and their supporters, I see a group of politicians who shut down schools, businesses, restaurants and churches during COVID-19. A government that is now telling the American people what kind of light bulbs they can put in their homes, what temperature they can set our thermostat in their living rooms, what kind of car they can buy and what kind of drugs they need to be inserted into their arms.

  • Biden, who is fiercely amplifying the American centralized government.
  • Biden and congressional Democrats have already spent $4 trillion expanding nearly all the power structures of government in Washington.
  • When the conservatives blame the Democrats of fascistic behavior, the Democrats respond to call all the conservatives (and everyone else except the left) fascists.
  • When critics warn the Democrats and left that they act like warmongers (about the Russia’s invasion into Ukraine), they respond to call everyone to criticize them as … you guessed it already, … warmongers.
  • When some Senators call other Senators betrayers, the political left (and their supporters) label the whole ‘right’ and anyone else criticizes them, betrayers.
  • When critics accuse the left mainstream media of false news, the mainstream media and the left call all the critics conspiracists.
  • When critics of the left criticize them, the left calls them fascists. Everyone with an opinion is a fascist … unless the opinion is compatible with them.

It looks to me that Biden and his politicians and supporters are “projectionists. And for those, who don’t understand that word or its meaning, it means this: When you point out actions in someone else, that really are the things that YOU do.

And that’s exactly what the left is doing.


As a general rule, when someone is accusing you of doing something that they’re doing, they are engaging in the psychological defense mechanism of projection. This is the attribution of things to others that are actually attributable to oneself, and is a way of avoiding taking ownership for one’s actions (source).

The reason can be summarized with one word: Irritation. And there are other words mentioned in the above article: hypocrisy, gas-lighting, blame shifting and denial. All of them apply to the political left and their supporters and what they are doing right now, especially with the approaching midterm elections.

Furthermore, projection is like an ego defense mechanism. It involves the denying of things about ourselves we don’t like, and putting them onto others instead, and is very real, as we can all relate to doing this ourselves if we are honest, and also having it done to us. This type of behavior you often see in sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists.

This is because they are characterized by:

  1. Often a sense of perfection and flawlessness; a sense that there is nothing wrong with them, and that they can “do no wrong”. Little or no willingness to accept blame or take ownership for wrongdoing.
  2. A flagrant tendency and ability to deny reality, even when confronted with hard evidence.
  3. A desire to flip reality on it’s head and erode other people’s sense of reality and perception.
  4. A lack of morality and conscience. No problems in shifting blame onto others and using them to protect themselves.

In the case of the political Democrats, the left and their supporters, they use it as a tactic, which main goal is causing irritation and a means to shock opponents to paralyzing silence. And you see the above-mentioned characteristics here as well: unwillingness to accept blame or take ownership for wrongdoing, deny reality, even when confronted with hard evidence, flip reality on it’s head, erode other people’s sense of reality and perception, and lack of morality and conscience.

And what to do about projection?

Call out projection for what it is straight away if it is a serious, non joking discussion! Save texts, emails and screenshots as evidence is necessary to counteract projection and gas-lighting. Stick to facts and reason. Do not be provoked or wound up in confrontation.

The left started in 2008 sets of campaigns during the time that President Obama was president. They gaslighted, lied, manipulated and projectioning their way through his presidency and the next one, causing the country considerable harm. When they finally came to power, it was impossible to stop the damage they have caused to the US, and the left even double down their efforts to survive.

Without calling revolutions, the best way how to counteract projection and gas-lighting in politics is sticking to the fact and reason and vote those people out of their positions. The next step is to remove the projectioning persons, reorganize or replace the projectioning organizations.


  1. “We Are All fascists … Except When You’re Left”

    The real equation, the actual reality, is that we are nearly all psychopaths and the fake divisions of left/right or Dems/Repubs, etc is only a distraction from this reality — “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” … https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

    (CAVEAT— only study the 2 pink elephant article if you’re GENUINELY interested in the truth and therefore “CAN handle the truth” …)

    Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant in a fantasy land and play victim like a little child?


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