All Empires Come … And Then They Go


Just this year, according to the UN, we have welcomed the 8th billionth human on earth. To give you an idea how fast the world population grew, around 1927 we celebrated two billion people on earth. Consider this: during the lifetime of the oldest people on earth today, the world’s population has seen exponential growth in a way it has never seen before.

It doesn’t end there: the world’s population will likely hit 9 billion in 2037 and 10 billion in 2058 (absent devastating disasters and global wars, of course). And yes, these extra 2 billion will mostly be in the least developed nations, with the most developed countries now being flat or declining in aggregate out to the end of the century.

The big question will be what happens with the world population after 2058! That’s 36 years from now. Many of us might be witness that moment, hopefully.

This year (what’s left of 2022), the world population grew with 1%. Curiously, this growth is slowly going down (for a while now). In 2030, the growth is 0.84%, in 2058 it is 0.38% and in the year 2100 this will be 0.03%.  In this year, the population growth will level out around 2100 at 10.9 billion (the median line), assuming a continuing decrease in the global average fertility rate from 2.5 births per woman during the 2015–2020 period to 1.9 in 2095–2100, and the absence of global disasters.

  • A 2020 study published by The Lancet from researchers funded by the Global Burden of Disease Study promotes a lower growth scenario, projecting that world population will peak in 2064 at 9.7 billion and then decline to 8.8 billion in 2100 (almost a billion people in 36 years!). This projection assumes further advancement of women’s rights globally. In this case, TFR is assumed to decline more rapidly than the UN’s projection, to reach 1.7 in 2100.
  • An analysis from the Wittgenstein Center IIASA predicts global population to peak in 2070 at 9.4 billion and then decline to 9.0 billion in 2100.

Note Funny, not? Largely, because of the women’s rights globally, we will end as species, because the women movement will not support enough births to contain human population and that means our extinsion. Sorry, only stating the facts.

Remember the doom thinkers and the progressive ‘scientific community’ claiming that we all starve to death, that the earth is or will be overpopulated, and we’ll have no resources left to feed all of us, we’ll see global hunger?

They were wrong, of course. And the progressive ‘scientific community’ turned into an Extinction Rebellion movement with their pseudo science.

But that Extinction Rebellion movement moved on with the next none-existing looming disaster, the climate changes. Whole herds of brainless and hapless masses were repeated their mantra like parrots, and the worst of all is that governments were believing or – actually – responding to those tiny minorities and adopted their policies accordingly.

That climate cultism is causing enormous damage to our civilization, to a level that it’s soon confronted with the threat of our existence. Their cause is fraudulent. There is no man-made global warming, and carbon pollution is not a threat to the future of the planet.

All the talk of global warming in the media might make people believe that the Earth is rapidly plunging into a hot cauldron of doom, but the truth according to the numbers of climate scientists is that the Earth’s temperature has risen less than 1 °C in the past 100 years.  That’s right, the Earth is supposed to be on the verge of Apocalypse because of less than ONE DEGREE of heat.

The whole climate cultism cause is based on only one chart:

Climate is not measured in a hundred years. It’s measured over thousands, even millions of years. Let me show you how the climate changed over a much longer period (which includes the data from the climate cultists:

Global temperature over the last 500 million years
Global temperature over the last 500 million years

In fact, the Earth has been much hotter in the past, and there is no evidence that carbon pollution was a singular trigger. Certainly, man-made carbon was not a factor in any previous heating event in the Earth’s history.

So what is climate change hysteria and the Extinction Rebellion really all about?

In the case of the corporate media and global climate institutions funded by the UN and various governments, the issue is control (and trillions of dollars).  Climate change legislation along with carbon taxation gives the establishment the ability to micromanage almost all food production, manufacturing, resource development and energy usage.  Not to mention, it creates an excuse for the implementation of population controls.

In a world where the UN and Extinction activists get their way, there might be a very real extinction involving mass reduction in energy output, the decline of the global economy and available agriculture.  The world cannot sustain on green technology which is highly inefficient and incredibly costly.  Oil, gas coal and perhaps nuclear power are the only practical resources to maintain our current civilization.  But maybe that’s the point?

Maybe the ultimate goal is to create a production environment that is so restrictive that only governments can manage it, while private businesses are forced out of the market.  Maybe the goal is to make production and economy into a point of leverage that can be used to muscle the public into compliance with more authoritarian designs.  Maybe climate change is nothing more than a springboard for tyranny. And those boneheads don’t hide their intensions!

As The Club Of Rome, a group of globalists sponsored by the UN, once stated in their book ‘The First Global Revolution’:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.

The above quote comes from Chapter 5 of the treatise titled The Vacuum, which covers the concept of global government.  It suggests that global warming and environmental hysteria are not actual threats, but fabricated dragons created for gullible activists to slay.  Not only that, but these dragons are creations of human existence and subsistence.  The only way to kill these paper thin dragons is total centralization, giving governments and global institutions ultimate power to “save humanity from itself.”  How convenient for the globalists.

The activists on the the other hand as simply useful idiots being used to set fires to western civilization, to create havoc and inspire a sense of impending climate catastrophe that will never come, as their hysteria has already proven multiple times since the 1970, year after year. All their doom prodictions were wrong and actually absurt.

Currently, there is an idiot president in power in America, who tries to force America to accept only EVs (Electric Vehicles), based on a ‘wet dream’. There are simply not enough minerals and metals existing to build all those batteries, and in order to supply electricity for those EVs. It would also mean so much more CO2 (and their so called global warming) produced.

If the American population allows this to continue, than there will be moment that everythijng stops functioning in their country. The same applies for Europe too. That’s for sure an existential threat, and no, it’s not climate change or global warming or overpopulation.

Let’s get back to our global population on earth and let the climate cultism do their thing.

Whatever the population numbers will be in 36 years, this civilization will end and other civilizations will come in its place (assuming that humanity will survive). How can we know this? That’s easy.

It happened with any other civilization on earth from the first civilization (tens of thousands of years ago) to any other civilization, which came after that.

The people living at the time of the peak of the power of the Roman Empire would never have suspected that the Roman Empire would turn into dust. But the impossible happened. It took several thousands of years to do that, causing death and devastation.And take a look at the other (ancient) civilizations, which were once created, and finally they disappeared, just like the Roman Empire. No civilization will survive forever.

Abbevillians, Acheuleans, Aegean civilizations, Amratian culture, Ancestral Pueblo culture, Ancient Egypt, ancient Greek civilization, ancient Iran, ancient Italic people, ancient Middle East, ancient Rome, Andean cultures, Archaic culture, Assyria, Aterian, Aurignacian culture, Australian Aboriginal peoples, Azilian, Badarian culture, Banpo culture, Big-Game Hunting Tradition, Boian culture, Capsian, Carthage, Chavín, Chellean, Choukoutienian, Clactonian, Dawenkou culture, Desert cultures, Dong Son culture, Dorset culture, El Argar, Erlitou culture, Ertebølle, Fauresmith, Gerzean culture, Ghassulian culture, Hohokam culture, Hongshan culture, Ibero-Maurusian, Indus civilization, Inugsuk culture, Ipiutak culture, Jōmon culture, Kachemak culture, Kurgan culture, Lapita culture, LBK culture, Longshan culture, Lupemban, Magdalenian culture, Maglemosian, Magosian, Mesopotamia, Minoan civilization, Mississippian culture, Moche, Mogollon culture, Mousterian, Mycenaean civilization, Nachikufan, Natufian culture, Nazca, Nok culture, Old Cordilleran culture, Oldowan, Osteodontokeratics, Paracas, Perigordian, Phoenicia, pre-Columbian civilizations, Qijia culture, Recuay, Sangoan, Solutrean, Stillbay, Tasian culture, Tayacian, Teotihuacán civilization, Thule culture, Trypillya culture, Urnfield culture, Villanovan culture, Woodland cultures, Yangshao culture,Yayoi culture and much more.

And do you know what those 96 civilizations have in common?

They all ended in the similar pattern:

  1. Natural disaster
  2. Loss of resources
  3. Moved away or killed

Most of the ancient civilizations were confronted by natural disasters like (global) flooding, climate change (yes, climate change were more common thousands of years ago), earthquakes, global diseases, endemics and pandemics.

And because of those natural disasters and wars, those civilizations received their final death stroke by the loss of resources. Be it food, loss of vegetation, trade, politics, economy and similar.

And for the reader, do not underestimate the power of those ancient civilizations, because that would make you ignorant and arrogant. If you looked around the world, you might discover something quite unbelievable.

Firstly, there are literally tens of thousands of ancient structures, which survived (tens of) thousands of years and will survive easily the next thousands of years, long after our civilization is gone.

200,000 Year Timeline of civilization
200,000 Year Timeline of civilization

Look at the Tower of Jericho, 10,000 years old. Look at the Mehrgarh settlement, 9,000 years old, Gobekli Tepe (11,000 years), Stonehenge (5,000 years), Newgrange, Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni, Pyramids (not only in Egypt, but everywhere in the world), Durankulak, Dholavira, Karnak.

Sample of pyramids all over the world
Sample of pyramids all over the world

And beside those structures, there are thousands of Stone Age (Paleolithic (or Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (or Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (or New Stone Age)) structures still surviving. In Europe they are concentrated, but you can find them spread all over the world, including the Middle East. People living in those time (some 30,000 years ago), assumingly without any tools like cranes, hammers, knives, etc. managed to create structures with a weight of 100 tons and dragged them over large distances all over the world! This happened everywhere, from South America, Africa, Europe and Asia.

If one would look at the building styles of the ancient architectures being used by those ancient civilizations, we will come to the conclusion that their structures were build with the help of advanced tools, similar as we use today! The ancients managed to build structures with a weight of millions of tons, how unbelievable that sound, and were able to move it too! All of it is true and easy to prove. Big parts of those structures are still out there, surviving already (some of them are tens of) thousands of years, some older.

Timeline ancient civilizations
Timeline ancient civilizations

But that’s not all. There are clear signs that the ancient populations were in contact with each other. You can see that easily in their architectures. For example the Pyramids, which were build in Egypt … and everywhere in South America! You see that at the ancient writing on the Eastern Island, in the same language as other populations were using, tens of thousands of miles away.

And finally we come to the current time we all living in. Don’t worry, our current civilization will come to an end like the rest. It might be war, natural disaster, it might be running out of resources thanks to the climate cultism, and it might be a natural response from nature causing reduction in population growth. Who knows, only the future will tell. Hopefully, our future generations will know how our civilization ended.

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